Monday, January 9, 2012

Can You Lose Weight In a Specific Targeted Area With Specific Exercises?

Can You Lose Weight In A Specific Targeted Area WithSpecific Exercises?

I’ve heard this question time and time again.  To answer this question simply, the answer isno.  But why?  And how do you lose weight and tighten upproblem areas?  First you need tounderstand the difference between “toning” and “burning fat”.

Toning is basically building muscle up to a desired level toachieve shape and firmness.  If you havebody fat to lose, the best way to reduce body fat is with increasing musclemass (this does not mean that you have to look like a bodybuilder….building yourmuscles in the slightest way will allow your body to burn more calories at restper day, so massive amounts of muscle are not necessary unless that is the lookyou are trying to achieve).  Whileincreasing your muscle mass, you will also be toning those muscles.  YOU CANNOT SPOT REDUCE FAT!  You have to work your entire body, evenly,and eat properly to reduce your body fat percentage.  You can do thousands of crunches and abexercises each day, for example, but if you have a beer belly, trust me, no onewill see those strong rock hard abs you have under all that fat.  You will burn some calories, but doingcrunches alone will not reduce your body fat. BUT, if you have been working your entire body, have trimmed down andhave a “problem area”, you CAN help tone it up by doing exercises specific tothat area, more often than your other areas, to build the muscle up, which inturn will FIRM up the area.  You CAN spotbuild, but you cannot spot REDUCE.  Soharden those areas up a bit, periodize your eating to lower your body fat, andsee your body change and look more appealing to YOU in the mirror.  And remember that THAT is the goal….to makeYOU happy with the way you look.  Do nottry to change your outer appearance to look like someone else, to fit in, or toget someone to like you.  Do it forYOU.  For YOUR health and wellbeing.  To make YOURSELF happy.  If your reason is for yourself, then you willbe more apt to stick with it instead of getting frustrated and quitting becauseyou are doing it for some other outside source. So get up, get moving, and GET STARTED! Don’t overwhelm yourself…make a timeline of goals, however long, andmeet each smaller goal to get to your big goal. You’ll feel more productive if you can meet a small goal every two tofour weeks or so, or even every week if that works for you!  Now, put a big smile on your face, beconfident in yourself, and start now…not tomorrow or next Monday.  Amaze YOURSELF.

Miranda Hoffmann, CFT

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