Thursday, June 18, 2015

The BEST TRICK to get your water in each day

Hi!  This is Miranda again, writing this blog for those of you that seem to really struggle with getting enough water in each day.  How much water should you be drinking, first of all?  I like to have my clients focus on 3 liters per day.  WHOA!!  How are you supposed to accomplish that...and keep track...each and every day?!!  Well get your water bottles ready because that's what I'm about to reveal!  :)

First I will show you what I do...

- Find a water bottle that you love...something that you want to carry around with you every day and is convenient for you to do so.

- Find out how many ounces your water bottle can hold and how many times you will need to refill it to meet your daily goal of 3 liters per day.
      For example:  My water bottle holds 22 ounces.  There are 33.8 ounces in one liter, so 3 liters would be 101.4 ounces per day.  That would equal approximately 5 refills per day. (4.6 actually, but we'll round up so we set our goals high ;) )

- Now you know how many refills you'll need per day!

So how do you keep track?  I had an issue with this at first.  I would refill my water bottle a few times and then think to myself in between clients...."Did I fill this up 3 times or 4 times?"  Obviously I'd rather drink too much than not enough, so I would guesstimate low, but most people (especially those that do not like to drink water) would rather know exactly how much they've consumed.

So, my solution?  Add a cord or string, beads, and knots.  Cheap fix.  Tie the string around the bottle (it's easiest if your water bottle has a loop like mine does in the photo below) and tie one knot high enough so that whatever beads you decide to use (pick something fun!) can all fit at the top, then another knot toward the bottom (again, so that all your beads can fit in between the top knot and the bottom knot).  Place all the beads (in my case, I have 5 obviously) in between the bottom knot and the top knot, so that the space above the top knot is empty.  Each time you empty the bottle, move a bead above the top knot and refill your bottle!  It's as easy as that!  You can pick out different types of string and beads...whatever suits your style.  Just make sure that the hole in the beads are big enough to fit the string you buy and that they can slip over your knot.  And make that bottom knot bigger so they don't slip off.  Here's a picture of mine, although it's hard to see the knots.  But, you get the idea...

As you can see, I have refilled my bottle 3 times today and I only have 2 more to go!  If only I could find dumbbell beads at the craft store....  ;)

Here is another idea if you have a bottle that you would only need to refill once (a 1.5 liter bottle).  I saw this on Pinterest and wanted to share this idea as well.  Just use a permanent marker (hand wash this bottle so it doesn't come off so easily though) and mark a timeline for the morning and also the afternoon so you know how much you should have consumed by each part of the day.

It's that easy!  So pick whichever works best for your lifestyle and your personal style, and drink up!! Water is amazing for your body, including hydrating your skin and aiding in weight loss.  

Don't like water that much?  Infuse it with fruit and/or vegetables and herbs!  I personally enjoy cucumbers and lemons, strawberries and mint, and for those of you who like mojitos...limes and mint leaves are yummy!  Try what you like and see what you think!

Any questions, just comment below!  :)

Always to YOUR health...(and water consumption!),  
Miranda Hoffmann, CFT, SFN

Friday, June 12, 2015

Weight Loss - How To Stay Motivated

Weight Loss.

Two words that seem to almost exhaust and disappoint you just by hearing them.

Why?  Well, it's not an easy task and it's really hard to stick to, especially with all of the information out there on weight loss and what works for each individual person (which is always different!). How do you know what will work for you and what will be easy to stick with?  How does one stay motivated?

The answer:  Small goals.  And someone to keep you on track, whether it's a friend or a coach.

Why is that?  Small goals keep you from feeling overwhelmed.  And having someone that's got your back?  Priceless.  Most people don't like to disappoint others, and when you feel like you are disappointing a friend or a coach that is putting forth a lot of effort and time to create a plan to help you be successful (and you're investing time and money into them), you will be more motivated to try harder and not slack off.  ...Too much.  ;)  (Hey, we're all human, right??)

So what is the right formula?

I have found that when I work with my clients, they stick to their goals and are constantly getting closer to reaching their end result much quicker and easier when we set small goals over short periods of time.  I use 2-week time periods.  I use life/health coaching to go deeper than just the science of exercise and diet to help my clients lose weight.  With coaching, together we are able to find the real road blocks in their mind and in their life and find strategies to overcome these issues, stop procrastination, set health and weight loss goals as well as personal growth goals (like getting up earlier in the morning or opening that new business....whatever you want and need to improve on), and overcome emotional chains that hold them down.

So, what's holding you back?

Try to set some small goals.  Use the emotion behind reaching the goal (the emotion that you will have when you reach it) to motivate you.  Enlist the help of a friend.  Preferably someone that lives a healthier life than you currently do, so you look up to them..not someone that will tell you that you should not eat that ice cream cone, while they eat one in front of you because they aren't worried about their weight.  Not sure that will work for you?  I'm always here, ready and willing to help in any way I can.

If you would be interested in letting me help you get to your goals once and for all, but are a little unsure, then just schedule a free phone or in-studio consultation with me.  We will take the time to evaluate what physical and emotional state you are in currently, talk about your goals, make up a game plan to reach those goals, and see what we can do for you that will fit your personal budget if you would like to proceed.  No high-pressure sales....I'm here for you if you feel I can help you.

Here is my online scheduling website link:  Online Booking Calendar
---Enter in your information and choose "Phone Consultation" (to simply talk over the phone) or "In-Studio Consultation" (if you are local and want to meet in person at my private training center in Centerville, OH) and choose a time that is available and works best for you!

Always feel free to email me with any questions or to be added to my weekly emails.

Take care and good luck to you!

To YOUR health,
Miranda Hoffmann, Owner

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Childhood Obesity....a Growing Problem

I was watching the news this morning while finishing up my back workout with some cardio, and they were talking about childhood obesity. Do you know that the number of obese children has TRIPLED since the '80's?? 1 out of every 6 children are clinically obese. Come on people, lets take better care of our children and teach them how to live healthy. It's not hard! PLEASE take your health and your children's health seriously. Give them a good head start into adulthood. It IS important and it IS all up to you as the parent. There are no excuses.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Beat the Heat! Summer will be here before you know it!

Tips on how to stay healthy during the hot months of summer

1.     WATER!!!  Always have water readily available wherever you go.  Pack it in a cooler with some ice packs and even when your car gets very hot, it’ll stay cool for a pretty long time.  Staying hydrated is the most important tip to remember, no matter what time of year it is.

2.     WEAR A HAT!  I know “hat hair” is terrible, but more than likely if you can put your hair into a ponytail it will be in one when it’s hot, so throwing a hat on over it won’t kill your ‘do.  Not only will it keep your face cooler but it will also shade your eyes and the delicate skin on your face…saving you from getting wrinkles or possibly skin cancer.  Which leads to my next point…

3.     SUNSCREEN!  Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!!  No one wants cancer, wrinkles, or that “leather” look.  Put it on after your morning shower and reapply as often as you can depending upon how long you are outside.  Take care of your skin….if you hadn’t noticed, it’s all over you so you can’t hide bad skin! 

4.     EAT CONSISTANTLY!  Pack some snacks in with your cooler full of water…keeping your blood sugar levels even during a hot day will decrease the likelihood of you getting lightheaded or possibly passing out.  In addition, you’ll stay leaner and healthier by eating every 2-3 hours, so start munching on healthy food!

5.     OPEN YOUR WINDOWS PERIODICALLY!  I know when it is hot it’s hard to turn off the AC and open your windows to get fresh air circulated through your living space, but it is very critical that you do this.  Even if it is once a week, possibly even while you are away for a couple of hours, it is imperative that you do this.  Turn on ceiling fans if you have them and get some fresh air in and push the bad air out.  This will keep you breathing less allergens, pet dander, common germs that cause you to get sick, etc.  Check your filters as well and make sure they are clean.  It’s better than feeling ill when you could be at the pool or amusement park having fun. 

6.     WORK OUT REGULARLY!  Keep your body and especially your heart healthy so that you can manage the heat better.  The sooner you get worn out on a regular basis, the harder it will be to stay active in the intense heat of the summer months.  The healthier you are, the longer you can have fun outside…and you’ll look and feel better, too.  Win/win…

7.     PROTECT YOUR EYES!  You need to protect your eyes just as much as your skin.  Wear protective eyewear that is dark and doesn’t let much or any sun in around the sides of the lenses.  I wear sunglasses even in the winter.  Keep those UV rays out of your eyes and prevent painful surgeries and/or corrective lens (or making your eye sight worse than it already is) in the future.

8.     REGULATE YOUR TIME OUTDOORS!  Try not to stay outside in extreme heat for too long of a period of time.  Give your body a rest periodically and cool back down.  Try to stay in the shade as much as possible.  Trust me, heat exhaustion is NOT fun…

9.     GRILL OUT!  One big plus for hot weather is eating healthier!  Although some still grill out in the winter, most people don’t.  Take advantage of your grill and make a variety of healthy foods, satisfying your taste buds as well as turning yourself into a lean, mean, healthy machine.  Get into those new habits and continue to eat this way throughout the winter months.  Buy a grill pan for your stove and savor the flavor!

10.                         ENJOY THE WEATHER!!!!!  Be a kid again!  Run around, play sports, walk, swim, play games with your kids, play with water balloons or water squirters, go to the beach and walk in the water or in the sand….GET ACTIVE!  HAVE FUN DOING IT!  Raise your spirits as well as your metabolism!  Trust me, you’ll notice a difference!

Always to your health…

Miranda Hoffmann, CFT, CLFC
Please check out my article that was published on page 33 of magazine!

Monday, March 5, 2012

What IS Real Food?

When you hear a Baer Fit Trainer talk about eating REAL food, what does that mean?  What is “fake” food?  Obviously we’re not talking about wax fruit here.  Real food is food that is whole and natural, the way God intended it to be.  A fresh chicken breast is real food.  A twinkie wouldn’t be considered “real food”.  I wouldn’t even consider a hot dog to be real food.    Have you ever seen how hot dogs are really made?  Most food that isn’t whole, real food isn’t very pretty when you see how it’s made or what it’s made of.  A twinkie, for example, can be opened and eaten...20 years after you bought it...and still taste and look the same.  Creepy?  I think so.  I’m sure you have all heard about margarine...that it was invented as a moldable plastic.  That’s right, plastic.  It didn’t work, they didn’t want to lose the money they spent on the project, so they decided to see if it was edible.  Voila!  Margarine.  And let’s tell everyone it’s healthy!!  If you leave it outside on a hot day flies won’t even eat it.  I’m sorry, but I know what flies normally eat, and if margarine is beneath them, I’m not eating the stuff! 

So when you decide what to put in your body, buy fresh meats, grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.  If you buy anything that is packaged, look at the ingredients.  As they say, if there is stuff in there that you can’t pronounce and looks like the alphabet jumbled up, put it back.  If you want a hamburger and fries, make them at home so you know what it’s made of.  This is not just about your waist measurements; this is about your HEALTH.  So don’t put a box of twinkies back on the shelf so that you don’t gain an inch around your waist, put it back because you love yourself enough to not put junk into your body.  You’ll feel better about your decision and not continue to gravitate back to the Hostess isle. 

Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having SOME junk food.  It may not be good for your body, but let’s face it, sometimes it’s good for the mind and soul.  But eat one, get it over with and don’t do it again for a while.  Learn how to cook.  Learn how to bake from scratch.  Learn how to make a menu for the week so you know what you are going to eat, what to buy, and stick to your list.  Teach your children to eat properly so that they will learn healthy habits now and will have an easier time managing their weight as adults.  Eating is an enjoyment in life!  Enjoy it!  Take a cooking class with a friend, talk to Charles and get some of his recipes, he is an amazing chef.  All of our trainers know how to cook, grocery shop, and eat properly.  If you need help, set up an appointment to discuss nutrition.   We are here to help you learn for YOUR life.  It’s not difficult to eat healthy.  You just need to change a few unhealthy habits, build your new healthy lifestyle  for YOURSELF, not for how others look at you, and sit back and smile.  You WILL feel the difference.

Miranda Hoffmann, CFT